Drilling Oil


Date: Sept. 26, 2012
Issues: Oil and Gas

Gas prices are still outrageously high. Many people criticize the concept of "drill baby drill", but it seems like the most valid option existing. I want to be clear about this, there is no magic wand the government can waive that is going to lower gas prices dramatically. Many have suggested that we can drill all we wish, but oil companies are just going to send that oil overseas. Oil prices are dictated by worldwide demand and some have suggested we begin taxing exports. Not only is that unconstitutional, but it restricts economic freedom when the government dictates who you sell your product to. Bottom line, if we drill now and produce more, even if the oil is shipped overseas, it meets a demand with more supply. While there is no shortage of oil production, it would at least allow us to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, and keep money at home. I know this isn't the answer people are looking for, but remember, commodities are driven at least in part, by speculation. If we open up more Federal lands for drilling, there's a good chance the price will drop.
